Dog Days and Years

Jack, our often referenced, galumphing black Labradoodle is close to 12½ in human years old now. His spirit is enduringly bouncy. His legs, well, are mid-80s in dog years…more ga-limping than galumphing these days. No longer does he bound along with me for morning jaunts. But as ever, he welcomes me home like a long lost friend when I come in the door.

In the abyss-labyrinth-archives of the walk in closet in my study, I came across something Jack wrote as ten suggestions in 2007. I am taking his silence as yes when I asked permission to share it again in 2017.

TEN FOR 2007

1. Enjoy simple food and don’t stress about it.

2. Drink lots of water – lapping and dripping just make it better.

3. Play hard.

4. Get plenty of sleep – include naps.

5. Stretch well and often.

6. Yelp when it hurts.

7. Then get over it fast – humans sometimes call this forgiveness.

8. Barking is better than biting.

9. Biting is better than bombing.

10. Show your love NOW.

Let sleeping dogs lie.
— Hezekiah 7.14

Canine Life Coaches


The Hounds of Heaven