Faith of Our Grandmothers
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Faith of Our Grandmothers

As much as I was head and heart taught about Jesus in Sunday School, I pretty much caught the faith sitting between my grandparents in church.

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Life Building
bill morgan bill morgan

Life Building

The conviction - that churches, warts and all, can be places where beyond our own doing grace empowers imperfect people like us to build durable, compassionate lives for the best and worst of times - is at my core.

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Some Take-Ups for Lent
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Some Take-Ups for Lent

Across the years, many have traditionally ‘given-up’ something for Lent – chocolate, certain beverages, television, and such. No problem with that. The intent is to pay closer attention to what we know about lives worth living and dying for fashioned in the serving pattern of Jesus

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The Grace of Conversations
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Grace of Conversations

Faithful, intelligent Bible study seeks to discern what is time-bound and timeless for present life application.

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Aspects of Love
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Aspects of Love

My belief is the God of Jesus teaches us that physical love is meant for deep, committed, faithful, permanent, exclusive relationships. Relationship is primary; gender secondary.

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What Does the Bible Say?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

What Does the Bible Say?

The spirit of Jesus blows through scripture and our lives helping us to see others and ourselves with new eyes, broadened minds, warmed hearts, and outstretched hands.

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The Sacrament of Noticing
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Sacrament of Noticing

esus was up to something when he coaches us anxious humans to check out these questionable character birds. Who do we know that are mixed bags of good and bad? Hint: us.

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Faith Floats
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Faith Floats

So much of what we learn about what’s worth living and dying for...fathom about God, each other, and ourselves...‘kabongs’ in us in retrospect. More and more I realize how much of my basic faith was implanted by a myriad of people and events, yet is uniquely tied to the experience of my mother teaching me to float.

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The Beach, The Bible, and Methodists
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Beach, The Bible, and Methodists

And the waves come in and the waves go out. Perhaps, it is a holy boldness, or a divine craziness, to believe that nothing in life or death can separate us from the love of God that washes over us in Jesus. (Romans 8.38) That love can transform the way we treat each other. EVEN... change the way we treat ourselves.

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Whose Seat Are You In?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Whose Seat Are You In?

Here’s the deal. No one can live our lives for us, but not a one of us can have a life worth living or dying for without one another’s help. That among other reasons is why we shuffle in/show up in worship together.

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Mary and the Motherhood of God
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Mary and the Motherhood of God

Such is what Mary treasured and pondered in her heart, and did with her life. That mirrors something of the great parenthood, generativity of God.

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Religious vs. Spiritual
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Religious vs. Spiritual

Actions, whether we feel 'spiritual' or not, through which God's love enters our lives, holds us together, puts us back together, when we would otherwise fall apart and let one another down.

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With or For The Church of the Reconciler?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

With or For The Church of the Reconciler?

I am confident that people will continue to give for, do things for, drop off food and stuff for such real, raw Jesus enterprises as the Church of the Reconciler. The messy/fleshy sweaty/spiritual thing, however, is being there with people, give and take from both directions.

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Faith Search
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Faith Search

Friends, it is easy to confess the sins of other religions and miss their compassionate side. It is easy to overlook the mean way some people use our own religion.

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Unity Someday Restored
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Unity Someday Restored

Good news and bad news. Following the God we know in Jesus is seldom neat and sweet. Among other reasons: imperfect people, the only kind God has to work with, are seldom neat and sweet.

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Anatomy of Rage
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Anatomy of Rage

Politics are value neutral. Based on the Greek word 'polis' for city, politics refers to how groups of people make decisions (in families, churches, society). HOW we conduct our politics is of huge moral, even earth survival, significance

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A World Sized Heart
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

A World Sized Heart

God’s inclusionary love is not a dilution of morality but the infusion of the higher ethic of love that ruptures rules long outdated.

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Use and Abuse of the Bible
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Use and Abuse of the Bible

All scripture is God-breathed, useful for instruction, yet that means it is faithfully, prayerfully plumbed for timely application of the way of the timeless just and merciful God who always includes and loves more than we do

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The Gospel According to GET TO
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Gospel According to GET TO

Friends, understand. Great love is often shown in hard GOT-TO situations. People work ratty jobs to provide for their family. Take care of loved ones with tough illnesses/conditions. God bless all you whose lives have hard GOT-TO situations. May you find God’s GET-TO grace even in them!

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