O Say Can You See…?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

O Say Can You See…?

As far as I can tell, acceptance and appreciation for our lives is not a once and for all thing that we do and then cruise control for the next 20 years. It is a daily practice.

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Unfinished Books
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Unfinished Books

The preponderance of us will likely leave our earth time with the books and THE book of our life unfinished. So, with grace and effort, let us savor the faces we get to see, the pages we get to read, and each day we get to wake up.

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What Floats Your Boat?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

What Floats Your Boat?

Like the Warrimoo we might be in several places at once. There are times when things can be smooth sailing in parts of my life, yet anxious-stressful in others. Surely, you can fill in with your own examples here.

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The Heart of the Matter
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Heart of the Matter

The love of the God we experience in Jesus also starts in our hearts to overcome those fears we generate there. It takes us reminding and encouraging one another when we forget or are tempted to give in to cynicism and compassion fatigue. It means with non-self-righteous courage calling people’s hands when they bolster bigotry and ride racism to promote themselves. Simple to say - Tough to do.

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The Tree Whisperer
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Tree Whisperer

The God of Jesus made it/us all. In goings on, large or small, when we act as part not center, we have less chance of bringing damage, better chance of bringing blessing.

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The Dance of the Ordinary & The Mystery
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Dance of the Ordinary & The Mystery

We are in a time of big debate over who can be included in the mystery of love and marriage. Seems to me the mystery of such love is not under our control. It is gift from the Gracefull-Generous Giver of Our Lives - the God we know in Jesus.

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Reflections on Routine Surgery
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Reflections on Routine Surgery

No one can do our living, believing, healing, or getting better for us. But none of us can do anything that matters alone. Faith is not a solo feeling. Faith is a God empowered shared strength for caring for one another. There is a near unending lifelong line of people of faith and love that make me ‘well’ on any given day

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Courage Quest
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Courage Quest

The truth is having and facing our fears goes with the territory of being human beings. Best I can tell we all have our fears, at least at times: whether we can make it, take it, go on, speak up, stand up, survive, or perchance thrive when the hard stuff happens to us, those we love, even our world.

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The Second Race
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Second Race

It seems to me, the older we get, the more we have of those who loved God and us, now with God...the more the reality of their ongoing presence in our lives is not so much proved by an argument but authenticated in our experience. No denial of the stark reality of death (which continues to suck) but a greater reality of their lives and love - imperfect though they and we are - that continues to be a bittersweet blessing.

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What Song Is In Your Heart?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

What Song Is In Your Heart?

For him, this means to lean into all the tunes, experiences, joys, loves, tastes, touches of life. But at the heart of it all, we remember the ‘cantus firmus’ of God’s love holding us together when we would otherwise fall apart.

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Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez


As Christians we sing about the privilege all of us have to take our struggles to Jesus in prayer. Amen. Yet, there is another side of the way privilege has operated in our world. Not sure who said it: “Guilt is not a Christian response…repentance is.” The literal meaning of New Testament ‘metanoia’, repentance, is going beyond the mind you have. In other words, a new understanding that changes not only our minds, how we see the world, but also our hearts and behavior.

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Reflections on a Rainy, Rumbly Saturday
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Reflections on a Rainy, Rumbly Saturday

Toward the end, Dr. Jahren writes: “I have accepted that I don’t know all the things that I ought to know, but I do know the things I need to know. I don’t know how to say ‘I love you’, but I do know how to show it…. When I am pressed, I resort to these two sentences: ‘You shouldn’t take this job too seriously. Except for when you should.’” (p.277)

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The John Wesley Vote
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The John Wesley Vote

"I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them:

1. To vote without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy.

2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against.

3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those who voted on the other side."

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What Do People Think of Us?
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

What Do People Think of Us?

Here's a strange proposal. As hard as it will surely be for me, perhaps for you... What about a day we proactively focus first on how we encourage the people we encounter...instead of how they boost us?

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Beatitudes for the Bald
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Beatitudes for the Bald

Surely not ignoring the differences among those who sat in his chair, Jayber affirms his inclusive care for them all. "I loved to listen to them. For they spoke my native tongue."

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Bittersweet Blessings
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Bittersweet Blessings

What does it mean to be a steward (care-taker) of our grief? To recognize and appreciate grief in ourselves and others?

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Fragments of Leaders
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Fragments of Leaders

So, in these presidential campaign days, we can expect all sorts of efforts to discredit the candidates, both of whom, like us all, are fragmentary and imperfect. The question is: which candidate, with his or her foibles galore, touches and inspires the best, not the worst, in us?

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Gratitude Links
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Gratitude Links

In the walk of life, grief and gratitude dapple our way. Grief both for what once was and what will never be. It is a long trip at best.

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