The Second Race

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter (power & pattern) of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.
— Hebrews 12:1-2

Though most of us observe it on the 1st Sunday of the month, November 1 is actually All Hallows Day or All Saints Day. It is connected to that phrase in the Apostles' Creed... we believe in the Communion of Saints.

The working definition of saints for me is 'imperfect people through whom we have experienced a bit of God's, Jesus', love.'

Hebrews 12 pictures the un-picturable, all those who have loved God and us, gathered in a sort of heavenly grandstands, having completed the race of their earthly cheering, pulling, and praying for us as we run the race of our earthly lives.

It seems to me, the older we get, the more we have of those who loved God and us, now with God...the more the reality of their ongoing presence in our lives is not so much proved by an argument but authenticated in our experience. No denial of the stark reality of death (which continues to suck) but a greater reality of their lives and love - imperfect though they and we are - that continues to be a bittersweet blessing.

These are fairly familiar words to those who have had the got to-get to of my preaching, teaching, and writing across the years. Still, on All Saints Day, like many other days, we name our saints that sometimes drove us crazy, other times delighted we them.

We live not less but more because of them. It's the second race. They have passed the baton to us. Not because we have got-to but because of them we get-to run our race with compassion, integrity...even grace. Name them in your heart and thank them. Bittersweet blessings abound.


Courage Quest


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