The Last Meal
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Last Meal

I am grateful for the likes of Theo who also multiplied the bread and fishes for countless hungry people

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The BBQ of Life
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The BBQ of Life

In the Bible, images of heaven, which is beyond our capacity to picture, nevertheless promise a table where people from all over, enemies no longer, can sit together, room for all... and there is food enough for everyone.

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Figs and Faith
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Figs and Faith

Across my life the stretch for food and people continues. Race, religion, gender, love-styles, nationalities, even some folks in our families…

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Foodie Theology
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

Foodie Theology

The Table of Jesus reminds me that ‘everyone eats’ and everyone is included. Jesus’ pattern of love has the power to transform the jerk in me and the jerk in you. And so we use the time we have on earth better to find ways to include instead of exclude, to share the cosmic Christ love that even includes you and me.

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Morning Grace Dispenser
bill morgan bill morgan

Morning Grace Dispenser

Followers of Jesus are body and soul people – people of incarnation and enskinment. Some of you have heard it put: embodied spirits; inspirited bodies. Coffee, hands in the dirt, sticky faced kids, crinkly-faced lifelong friends, sigh, even galumphing dogs and fill in your own blank of beloved stuff _______ are outward signs of invisible grace.

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The Best Thing I Ever Ate
Amy Gonzalez Amy Gonzalez

The Best Thing I Ever Ate

Perhaps more, at least this: when food is shared in thanksgiving and love, it is a holy communion. The God we know in Jesus is close, not so much explained, as experienced in loving, grateful meals together.

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bill morgan bill morgan


So whether at the Communion Table in worship or the daily table with friends and family, food shared in love is sacramental. The holy and the ordinary touch, bodies and souls crisscross, and you really can’t tell where one begins and the other ends.

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