One More Conversation

“I come that you might have life and have life more abundantly.” John 10.10

A few days ago, it was the seventh anniversary of the completion of Dianne’s mother’s earth time. In the car together, I asked Dianne: “What would you say if you had one more conversation with her?”

For some reason, lately, the notion of one more conversation with certain, special people in my life has been bouncing between my head and heart.

Maybe it is because I was in the columbarium at Canterbury Church recently: looking at the names; remembering the faces.

Or perhaps because some days the various pictures perched here and there in our house recapture my attention. Or during the morning jaunt or driving to and from, I just remember someone, something that happened or didn’t happen.

With them, it would be, now after all these years, I finally get it more than then, all you did, what you sacrificed, often despite what you were going through:

+ Thank you, thank you.

+ I am sorry for what I missed...what I said/didn’t say...what I did/didn’t do.

+ How much I wish I had spent more time, just enjoying being with you...listening more; talking less.

For sure it is family and close friend types. In addition, it is an array of teachers, mentors, cool-crazy kids I grew up with...even a few folks that I wrote off too quickly along the way.

There are just so many people that contributed to the more-ness of my life across time that now finally kabong in my head and heart.

It is not exactly a sad or glad thing. It is a curious mix of grief and gratitude. Both of which comprise the ‘more abundant’, deeper and wider life Jesus says he wants for us.

So, I think I might make a list, consider what I would say, practice it on the jaunts, in the car between here and there, before I drop off to sleep at night, roll out of the bed in the morning, stare over the book in my lap...wherever.

Plus, there’s another list. Of those with whom another conversation is a mere phone call, letter, drive, or Zoom visit away.

Doxology for you all and it all...


Remembering My Cousin Brothers


Families for All Seasons